« Alle Evenementen

  • Dit evenement is voorbij.

28 maart @ 03:05

Laden Evenementen

« Alle Evenementen

  • Dit evenement is voorbij.

28 maart @ 03:05

On the 24th of June in the harbour of Amsterdam we will participate in acts of civil disobedience together in order to strongly disrupt the fossil fuel industry. Due to the urgency of the climate problem we see this as necessary and justified – to go from public protest to civil disobedience.
Hundreds of people will participate in this direct action to make sure that, at least on the 24th, there will be less CO2 exhaust than the day before. We have a couple of songs we can sing to keep us cheerful!
If you want to participate, then it is essential to be at the final briefing. This will take place on Friday evening at 20:30.
We wrote an action agreement. In this we lay out the rules for ourselves during the action. Read these carefully if you plan to participate. The action consensus is also good to read when you will not participate but do want to know more about how the action will look and what it will be like.
If you do not want to, or can not, participate but do want to support is then you can come to the support demonstration. This demo will start at 2 at Saturday at metro station Isolatorweg.


28 maart, 2025



28 maart, 2025
