The curves are still pointing in the wrong directions: more capital invested in fossil fuels; increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere; escalating climate catastrophes around the world; a surging climate change denialist far right. How do we defuse this pipeline? How do we combat the disaster of business-as-usual? This talk will discuss various obstacles and potentials for a militant, popular struggle for climate justice in the present conjuncture. This session has been organised in cooperation with the 2.Dh5 Festival.
Andreas Malm teaches Human Ecology at Lund University, Sweden. He is the author, with Shora Esmailian, of Iran on the Brink: Rising Workers and Threats of War and of Fossil Capital, which won the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize, and most recently The Progress of This Storm.
'Learning to fight in a warming world' with Andreas Malm