- Dit evenement is voorbij.
25 maart @ 18:19

- Dit evenement is voorbij.
19 mei, 2020 @ 10:00 - 11:30

Aanstaande dinsdag komen we in actie tegen Shell bij de Shell Must Fall! AGM Action. Kun je er niet bij zijn, maar wil je wel in actie komen? Sluit je dan aan bij het online protest georganiseerd door onze Portugese vrienden van Climáximo. Hieronder lees je hun boodschap over hoe je mee kunt doen:
For those who are unable to be in The Hague on the 19th, including those on the frontlines, to accompany the protest that will take place at Shell’s doorstep, we will be holding an online protest, on Manif.app
Like a real-life demo, we’ll have a meeting point (Shell’s HQ), then we will be making a tour of some of the exploitation and ecological destruction being caused by Shell.
So, how do you do it? Simple:
1) At 10:00 CEST on the 19th, in a browser (desktop or mobile) follow this link to join us at Shell HQ on manif.app
3) Write your “Slogan” on the bar above the map.
4) Click on “Manifest!”
5) Your little protestor will then show up (in red) on the map. You can drag and drop it wherever you like.
6) Every 15 minutes, we will move to a new location, which will be announced on our social media channels.
Privacy and security disclaimer: Manif.app does not collect any personal data. It uses one single cookie so you can play with your little protestor. After 24 hours inactive, all the information (and your protestor) disappears.
Political disclaimer: Remember. No single action – online or offline – will solve a problem just like that (this is even more valid on structural problems like the climate crisis). To achieve impact, we need to organize and we need to diversify our tactics based on current social needs. A demonstration is, among other things, a show of force and public will in favour of social change.