On Friday, December 10, 2021, we delivered an important message to Shell, at their last General Meeting in Rotterdam: You can’t run and you can’t hide from Climate Justice!
To avoid taxes, Shell decided to move its headquarters to the UK. This shows again that Shell always gives priority to maximum profit instead of investing time and money in real solutions for Shell’s disastrous management.
We have shown the shareholders and the board that the resistance against Shell is alive and kicking, and that we will continue wherever Shell is. Not only in the Netherlands, but also in the UK and in all those places in the world where Shell is doing damage. While we were on the streets in Rotterdam, our friends in the UK made it clear that Shell is not welcome in London.

Shell must be dismantled. We demand a JUST TRANSITION for the workers in the fossil industry, REPARATIONS for impacted communities and ecosystems and a decentralised and socialised ENERGY DEMOCRACY for all.
More images can be seen here.
This action was a collaboration of Code Rood, Extinction Rebellion and the Africa Roots Movement and was supported by Het Actiefonds.
Donations to Code Rood / Shell Must Fall are always more than welcome!