Solidarity actions Ogoni 9 – November 2020
On the 10th of November 2020 it was exactly 25 years since the Ogoni 9 were brutally murdered in Nigeria for their resistance against Shell. We commemorated these brave activists by organising actions all over the country to tell their story.

Protest at Boerhaave Museum against Shell sponsoring
On the 16th of July 2020, Fossielvrij Onderwijs, XR Leiden and Code Rood protested at Museum Boerhaave against the Shell sponsorship and influence.

Decentralised actions Shell Must Fall – May 2020
On the 19th of May, Shell organised its Annual General Shareholdersmeeting (AGM) at the Shell HQ in The Hague. Due to Corona, we could not organise the planned mass action to block the AGM. Instead we organised decentralised actions in multiple cities in the Netherlands and in Europe.
Action Week Shell Must Fall January 2020
In preparation of our planned mass action in May 2020, we organised a Shell Must Fall action week in January 2020. Multiple actions took place in Amsterdam, The Hague and Groningen.
Ogoni 9 commemoration – 9 November 2019
In November 1995 nine prominent leaders of the resistance against Shell were killed in Nigeria. We commemorated their lives and their struggle in the front of Shell’s HQ in The Hague.

Climate Strike 27th September 2019
We supported Fridays For Future in organising the largest Climate Strike ever, bringing more than 30,000 people to The Hague

Announcement Shell Must Fall campaign at Shell AGM 2019
In May 2019 we launched the Shell Must Fall campaign at the Shell AGM in the Circustheater in The Hague. This is what that looked like:
March 24 2019 – Anti-racism demonstration
For the anti-racism demonstration we organized a block.

March 10 2019 – Climate Mars
For the climate march of the 10th of March we organized a block for radical climate justice.

August 2018 – Groningen
Two days and nights we blocked the gas park in Farmsum. We also organized, with Groningers, an action camp with workshops and lectures in Groningen from the 24th till the 31st in August.

June 2017 – Amsterdam Harbour
With over 300 people we blocked the Amsterdam coal harbour.