Join us for the Decolonial Anti-racist Bloc at the Climate March on June 19!

The climate crisis is a racist crisis. For centuries earth defenders and water protectors have been predominantly Indigenous people and other colonized populations in the understanding that colonial that landgrabbing and racism threatened lives and livelihoods way before climate changed. People of colour have resisted both white supremacy and human supremacy that is at the core of devastating culture and policy of destroying environments for money and powerhording. 

We stand together as a collective voice uniting movements for racial and climate justice against white supremacy, exploitation and supremacy culture. We will stand together at the Climate March on 19th of June as a decolonial anti-racist bloc. Join us!

“No single issue lives. No single issue struggles. Connect the dots. Together we are stronger.”

If you want to join as an individual or with your group, fill out this form so we can keep you up to date. You can also check out our Facebook event, to stay updated.

If you want to learn more about why we are creating this bloc, this will be a great article to start.