- This event has passed.
19 December @ 06:48

- This event has passed.
14 March, 2020 @ 19:00 - 22:00

he Haagse Mug invites you to join the English spoken presentation ¨A´carbon neutral´ economy: strategies to (de)politicize the climate debate¨ by Joanna Cabello, activist and researcher at the World Rainforest Movement.
More and more people, movements, NGOs and groups are calling for a global economy of ´zero emissions´; an economy that is ´carbon neutral´; a new ´green deal´ for nature. They call upon their governments to make
stronger commitments to halt climate change, stop deforestation and prevent further biodiversity loss. They also demand corporate and financial actors to do the same. All of this sounds appealing.
But what does a ´carbon neutral´ or ´zero emissions´ economy actually mean? What are the strategies and interests behind these wordings? And most importantly, what are the implications of common people and
movements’ demands? What are these demands really standing for and who is benefiting and loosing from them?
It is a crucial moment for reflection: How can we best contribute –and not obstruct- to the transition towards a real change in today’s destructive economy? And how can we strengthen our solidarity with
movements around the world?