- This event has passed.
24 March @ 19:32

- This event has passed.
24 March @ 19:32
It is Code Red for Groningen and the climate! Gas must stay in the ground and all the earthquake damage needs to be compensated. But the NAM, Shell and Exxon keep on pumping. And the government is allowing this to happen.
That’s why it is up to us! With the first mass civil disobedience action in groningen we will give a powerful signal: gas must stay in the ground!
At the previous action conferences we choose a date: from 24 to 31 august we organise an action camp. And there is an action plan: around Groningen’s liberation day on 28 August there will be a mass blockade of the tanker park in Farmsum. Together we will break the power of the NAM, Shell and Exxon!
Our next action conference is on the 30th of June and 1st of July in Groningen. We will gather to make our next steps. We continue to discuss the action consensus and look if we can reach consensus. There will also be time for the working groups, which are now busy with organising the camp and action.
Do you want to join in making our mass action a success? Come to the action conference on 30 June and 1 July! Everyone is welcome. It does not matter whether you are coming for the first time or have been involved in a working group for some time.
Note: this time the programme will continue until Saturday evening and go on on Sunday.
This actionconference will again be at Backbone050, Travertijnstraat 12 in Groningen town. This is about 20 minutes by bicycle of bus from Groningen railway station. Take line 39 to Travertijnstraat, or line 7 to Metaallaan, or line 8 to Halfweg.
- 15.00 – 19.00: action consensus
- From 19.00: dinner & evening program
- 11:30 – 14:30: lunch & open space
Sign-up below. You will receive the exact programme and location of the action conference by email a week before. There will be lunch and dinner and it is possible to stay overnight. The main language is Dutch, but translation to English will be arranged.