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15 March @ 20:00

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15 March @ 20:00

From Thursday the 22nd of June till Monday the 26th of June there will be a climate camp in the harbour of Amsterdam (within bicycling range of Amsterdam Sloterdijk).
Food collective Rampenplan will serve delicious food. There are three meals per day: Breakfast, lunch and dinner. For this we ask a donation of 7.50.
Download the program booklet of the camp here.
Bring your camping and sleeping gear! Also see the complete packing list.

Tent overview

Info tent: This is your first stop when you arrive at the camp. This is where you will receive all information. During the camp you will find the last updates about the programme here, as well as an overview of the things you can help with during the day. You can also leave your own flyers and leaflets here.
First Aid tent: There is always a First Aid person present and available at the camp
Legal tent: Here is where you will find the arrestees’ group (AG). This is the group that can help you in case you are arrested during the action.
Vibes tents: For your ultimate relax and chill moments you can always come to one of the Vibes tents! Think of pillows, hugs, chocolate, cooling down in a mini swimming pool… And do you want to give a yoga lesson or lead a meditation session? You can do it here!
Artivism corner: This is where you can use all your creativity on Friday. Come and join us paint banners and prepare your own Code Rood outfit.
Press tent: This is where journalists can make themselves known and where they can work.
Media bus: This is where the Code Rood (social) media team will be working, uploading pictures, editing videos, blogging… Everything to let the outside world know about all the cool things that are happening!
Kitchen: Activist kitchen Rampenplan will prepare our food here. The guideline for the voluntary contribution is about €7.50 per day for three meals. If you can miss more and would like to contribute a bit more, this is very much appreciated!
Bar: For cosiness and drinks!  Alcohol will be served at the following hours: Thursday between 8 and 10 PM, Friday no alcohol will be served because of the action the next day, Saturday until 2AM, Sunday between 8 and 11 PM. Please do not forget to bring cash.
Security tent: When something’s up, you can always come here.
Circus tent: This is the biggest tent and this is where all general assemblies and big trainings will be held.
Workshop tents: This is where all workshops will be held.
Showers: You can have a shower at the camp! You can shower until the bag of water you have hung up is empty.
Charging point: With green energy you can charge your mobile phone or other equipment. You do have to cycle for it, especially when it’s cloudy.
Donations: The action and the camp cost money. We have of course been very active trying to secure funds, but we also really count on contributions from the participants. Of course, this depends entirely on what you can and want to miss! You can always ask your parents, family, and friends to contribute financially. The account number is  NL55 TRIO 0338 6023 80, account name “Steungroup NVDA”. At the camp you will also be able to donate in cash.


15 March, 2025



15 March, 2025
