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11 March @ 06:30

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14 March, 2020 @ 11:00 - 17:00

2020 is all about major action plans. KOZP has promised to organize an action every quarter to further the fight against the racist caricature Zwarte Piet. With their Shell Must Fall campaign Code Rood are taking up the fight against one of the world’s largest polluters and violators of human rights: Royal Dutch Shell.

While our action plans may differ, our struggle is based on the same root causes, racism and colonialism, and we strive for the same goals in the core of our movements; social justice. To win this fight we need each other. That is why Code Rood and KOZP are joining forces to organize an action skillshare day together one week before the National Anti-Racism Demonstration 2020 (Landelijke antiracismedemonstratie 2020 STA OP Tegen Racisme), to prepare as many people as possible for the upcoming demos and actions and build intersectional movement.

Location: The location will be in Amsterdam, and will be sent by email to people who register.

Language: There will be translation available so that both Dutch and English speakers will be able to participate.

Who are these trainings for? 

With this action skill share we want to create a safe and empowering space for BIPoC (black, indigenous, people of colour) womxn, trans and non-binary folks. While we invite everyone to participate in the different skill share sessions, depending on how much registration we receive, we will prioritize (BIPoC) womxn, trans and non-binary folks.


The entire training day will last from 11-17.00, and you are welcome to come for either part or all of the day. The program will be split in 3 workshop blocks with 2 sessions each. These are the confirmed workshops/ skillshare sessions, please select the sessions you would like to attend:

Block I 11.30-12.30

  1. Know Your Rights (during a legal protest or a civil disobedience action)
  2. How to be a police spokesperson during an action

Block II 14.00-15.00

  1. How to organize a security structure for your action
  2. De-escalation workshop- How to deal with police confrontation

Block III 15.30-16.30

  1. Out of action skillshare- What are useful resilience strategies when you do actions?
  2. Calling in and calling out workshop – dealing with fragility and oppressive behaviour

Sign up now! 

For security reasons, and to have the optimum number of participants for each workshop, you need to sign up to participate. Participants will be asked to show ID on the door. If you do not want to use your real name or bring ID with you, then you can use an alias, but will need to have an organizer from KOZP or Code Rood vouch for you.

Registration is closed

If you have any questions, feel free to email gnomey@riseup.net


14 March, 2020
11:00 - 17:00
Event Category:


Amsterdam, Noord Holland Nederland


Code Rood


14 March, 2020
11:00 - 17:00
Event Category:


Amsterdam, Noord Holland Nederland


Code Rood