- Dit evenement is voorbij.
27 maart @ 14:41

- Dit evenement is voorbij.
16 mei, 2020 @ 19:20 - 21:30

Join us to imagine and manifest a Future Beyond Crises. How can we support communities, social movements, sectors, and industries now to move towards the future we want?
While catastrophic, the Coronavirus crisis also breaks normality and is therefore an opportunity. The planet is and has been in crisis. In crises, in fact, as no issue is isolated. Lives, livelihoods, land, and nature are sacrificed for corporate profit. Those who were already most vulnerable are hit the hardest. And while corporate multinationals like Shell are scrambling to profit from this crisis, and governments bend to their demands, we must ask ourselves: which future do we want to bail out?
Musical introduction (19.20)
Welcome & opening speech (19.30)
Speaker: Suzanne Dhaliwal (No Tar Sands)
Panel 1: The crises we know – How do current crises intersect and how is this affecting impacted communities and sectors? (19.50)
Speakers: Suzanne Dhaliwal (No Tar Sands UK), Ilham Rawoot (JA! Mozambique), Laurie van De Burg (Oil Change International), Esther Kiobel (MOSOP)
Musical intermezzo (20.30)
Panel 2: What Is Needed – How to transition from the fossil empires of the past to the decolonial energy democracies of the future? (20.40)
Speakers: Meera Ghani (Ecolise), Tatiana Garavito (Wretched of the Earth), Suzanne Jeffery (Campaign Against Climate Change)
Closing musical performance (21.35)
To join us for this special event please register here to receive the information to join the livestream.
To join the conversation register here: https://app.livestorm.co/engagetv/future-beyond-crises
Decolonial justice is possible and alternative futures are viable !