Amelisweerd protected against chainsaw and asphalt

Very good news! On the morning of the 17th of July we received the excellent news that the plans to broaden the A27 and cut down a part of Amelisweerd have been destroyed by the judges of the Raad van State. YES!!! This means, for now, that we do not have to climb into the trees anytime soon. 

We congratulate everyone who filed a case against the plans with this victory! Well done!! And we thank everyone who joined an action recently and who signed up as a forest protector!

This case was mainly about nitrogen. In a previous ruling, the Raad van State said that the Dutch government is not respecting the European nitrogen legislation. Nitrogen is very harmful for nature and cars are responsible for a lot of nitrogen. 

Mark Rutte and his coalition will have to go back to the drawing table with their highway plans. We expect that they will try to still continue the plans, in some adapted form. We advise the ministers to make plans that are in line with the challenges that we are facing today in our societies, and that support people, nature, animals, the climate and biodiversity. They should leave our valuable nature at peace. It would be recommended to invest in bicycle highways, public transport and reducing the speed limit to 80 kms per hour. 

We will soon get back to you with more information about what this means in the short and in the long term. We will remain alert and will not be taken by surprise if our government will try to destroy our loved Amelisweerd again!

🌳✊❤️ Follow the campagne here: Amelisweerd niet geasfalteerd!

The ruling can be found here (in Dutch)