14 March 2020
UPDATE: We will postpone all planned events for March until a later date, or, if possible, arrange to meet online. We will follow the developments of the Corona situation for our events in April. Internal meetings and workdays will be organised online.
The running group is an exception and will (for now) continue as planned.
12 March 2020
The Dutch government finally took nationwide measures to prevent the rapid spread of the Corona virus. We will see in the coming weeks whether or not it is enough and if our already heavily burdened health care workers can manage the sick and provide care to those in our society who need it the most.

Code Rood
We are of course also working to prevent further the spread of the virus as much as possible. Big events have been cancelled. For now smaller events (up to 50 people) will continue as planned. We ask those who are sick to stay at home. We are also looking into making some meetings and trainings online rather than in person.
Our activism will of course continue. Even if we work from home we will keep building towards a large climate movement and the Shell Must Fall campaign. The climate crisis does not stop because there is a Corona pandemic. What this means for planned actions in May can not yet be determined. We will work out different scenario’s and we will keep you posted on the website, social media and the newsletter.
Solidarity is an important value to us. Let us work together to avoid dominance of fear and panic in the public discourse. Let’s take care of each other. This might be the best time to get to know your neighbour a little better, to cook extra for those who are sick and pay attention to those who are lonely. We will stand up for those who are (also financially) hit the hardest, those whose voices are frequently heard the least. Let us also be vigilant that (alt) right groups won’t hijack the Corona virus to further a racist and anti-migrant agenda. Let’s go!
Some interested reads:
Coronavirus and Community Activism The Ecologist