- Email:
info@code-rood.org (if you have a specific question you can directly mail a working group) - Email Code Rood Groningen:
coderood-groningen@riseup.net - The press is welcome on our press page
Social Code Rood
- Facebook:
facebook.com/klimaatactie - Facebook Groningen:
facebook.com/coderoodgroningen - Flickr:
flickr.com/photos/code-rood - Mastodon:
@CodeRood@todon.nl - Twitter:
@klimaatactie - YouTube:
Social Shell Must Fall!
- Facebook:
facebook.com/shellmustfall - Mastodon:
Twitter: - @shellmustfall

Support & Recovery
Action is both necessary and good, but they can also involve stressful experiences. When we enter an action, we purposefully put ourselves in a possibly vulnerable position. The emotions can run high in different ways. There is often adrenaline involved with civil disobedience; (a form of) violence or intimidation can be used against you or your comrades. This can have an impact on you. Sometimes you notice it right away, sometimes not until you’re back from the action environment.
If you only later notice you experience negative effects from the action, or if you have questions, or you just want to contact the support & recovery team, press the button below.