- This event has passed.
25 March @ 14:21

- This event has passed.
21 March, 2020 @ 12:00 - 15:00

ENGLISH INVITE (short & sweet):
You are invited to get Active & Collective to empower decolonial solutions to the environmental/existential crisis we face.
Call to action by Climate Liberation Bloc:
Climate Justice activists will march, chant, show solidarity and deepen our relations with groups united against racism.
More info of gathering corner for the bloc will follow in advance to join the march.
This call for action is supported by:
Code Rood, ASEED Europe, Free West Papua Campaign (Nederland) Fossielvrij NL, Fridays for Future Nederland Greenpeace Nederland, Earth Strike Nederland, Extinction Rebellion NL, Decolonize Groningen, IDEA – Initiative for Diversity, Empowerment & Awareness, Humanities Rally UvA, Je Moeder, Stop Ecocide NL Groep, Taste Before You Waste Transnational Institute, TNI, veganora, OtherWise Wageningen, Fossil Free Culture NL, Gastivists [more to be added]
Green organisations:
Does your organisation want to support the call for the demonstration against racism 21st of march please sign the following form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScEF27E1yp6Q9upbk8Izo-0UBIMkqGoWk4q3JWrrf1ZJrf4Aw/viewform
Background Bloc Against Climate Racism:
The Climate Crisis didn’t just fall from the sky but was forged by centuries of colonial capitalist politics and laws. This unfortunate history has been shaped by ideology of human-supremacy and white-supremacy and capital-supremacy. This has meant that profit has been accumulated by violating places and people deemed sacrifice-zones.
Climate Racism:
Environmental racism has been studied as localized politics of oppression where Indigenous & black and brown people are suffering most from toxic dumping / pollution in their waterbasin, air, landbase or suffer pollution in their working conditions. By discussing Climate Racism we look at a bigger systemic problem through four lenses: historical climate racism, political climate racism, military climate racism and the reproduction of climate racism in storytelling in whitestream environmentalism.
For an in depth workshop on Climate Racism to deepen understanding of colonial roots of climate crisis we welcome you to reach out to book a training-day: climateliberationblocnl@gmail.com
Comite21 – organizer yearly march against racism:
Het comité 21 maart is an initiative of diverse social justice organizations: Social Development Coorperative, Stichting Keti Koti Dialogg Tafel, HTIB, EMCEMO. Collectief tegen islamofobie & discriminatie, Transnationaal Migrant Platform, Platform Stop Racisme & Uitsluiting, Internationale Socialisten, Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers en FNV Finance, Landelijk Beraad Marokkanen, Stichting Aknarij.
21st of March:
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on 21 March. On that day, in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, against the apartheid “pass laws”. Proclaiming the Day in 1966, the General Assembly called on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination (resolution 2142 (XXI)).