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1 April @ 01:46

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From the NL to Free the Soil mass action & camp

Brunsbüttel Brunsbüttel

Free the Soil is a campaign to expose the devastating practices and impacts of industrial agriculture and the major role this industry plays in the escalating climate crisis. Free the Soil is organizing a mass action and camp to denounce industrial agriculture and the synthetic fertilizer industry. The camp and action will most likely take … Continued

Wereldwijde klimaatstaking

Den Haag Beatrijsstraat 12, Den Haag, Zuid Holland

Dit is een oproep aan alle mensen, ouders en kinderen, studenten en werkende mensen, gepensioneerden en grootouders, om deel te nemen aan de eerste algemene klimaatstaking op 27 september. Verlaat de scholen en de kantoren, de universiteiten en de winkels, en ga samen met ons de straat op in Den Haag. Omdat het klimaatakkoord nog … Continued

Extinction Rebellion – Rebel Without Borders

Museumbrug, Amsterdam Amsterdam

On the 7th of October, Extenction Rebellion will, with thousands of people, take to the streets in Amsterdam, Berlin, London, New York and other cities around the world, in order to increase the political pressure to do something about climate destruction. For this they need as much people as possible. In the Dutch case they … Continued

Dinner + mischief in Amsterdam

NieuwLand Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93, Amsterdam, Noord Holland

The Amsterdam branch of Code Rood would like to meet you! There are plans by Nuon/Vattenfall to build a brand new and huge biomass station! We can not just stand idly by while they do this! On Tuesday the 15th of October we will have dinner in De Nieuwland in Amsterdam Oost. At 1900 there … Continued

Justice for the Ogoni 9

We call upon everyone to join us to remember the Ogoni 9 who were executed on the 10th of November 1995 and to demand accountability from Shell for its complicity in this atrocity! Programme: We will gather at 11.00 a.m at the Koekamp in The Hague ( https://goo.gl/maps/25SNey84davdSsoG8 ). We will give a short briefing … Continued

Dag voor Internationale Klimaatactie

Kijk op https://fridaysforfuture.nl/overzicht-stakingen/ voor een overzicht van alle lokale staking op 29 november. Na het grote succes van de 27e september organiseert Fridays For Future op vrijdag 29 november de volgende landelijke klimaatstaking. Jongeren (en volwassenen) zullen opnieuw samen de straat op te gaan. Omdat de politiek nog lang niet genoeg doet, de vernietiging van … Continued

Noodlanding: Mass Action Schiphol Airport

Schiphol airport Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam

With Shell Must Fall! we attack the big polluter Shell. Greenpeace has seen the success of mass actions like Code Rood and Extinction Rebellion and is now preparing a mass action against another big polluter: Schiphol Airport. With a Protestival on Schiphol on the 14th and 15th of December a stage will be claimed right … Continued

SHELL MUST FALL Everywhere *Action Week*


In the last week of January we are taking action against Shell all over the country. You can organize your own action or join an existing action. In the run-up to the action week, visit one of our info evenings and invite your friends to come with you! Fossil giant Shell is having a devastating … Continued

A Quarter Of Misery

Beursplein Amsterdam Beursplein, Amsterdam, Noord Holland

As Australia burns and Indonesia is facing the most extreme floods in years, Shell keeps on digging for fossil fuels and making profits by its destructive practices. On the 29th of January, one day before Shell will anounce its annual profits, we will gather on the Amsterdam stock exchange to show Shells real contribution to … Continued

Shell Must Fall Everywhere: At the University of Amsterdam

UvA, Roeterseiland Roetersstraat, Amsterdam

As Australia burns and Indonesia is facing the most extreme floods in years, Shell keeps on digging for fossil fuels and making profits by its destructive practices. Research by Fossielvrij NL has shown that the University of Amsterdam also has oil on its hands since they still work together with Shell in various ways. That … Continued

XR Groningen and Code Rood Groningen take action against Shell!

Bernoulliborg, Nijenborgh 9, Groningen Nijenborg 9, Groningen

Are you also disgusted by the dirty practices of the fossil fuel industry and their heavy contributions to the climate and ecological crisis we are facing? Then join us for an legal action without possibility of arrest, against Shell on February 3, 2020 at the Zernike Campus. _Extinction Rebellion Groningen organizes this action in cooperation … Continued

Climate Strike


Join us at the climate strike! Also see the Facebook event.

Annual Shell Shareholders Meeting Action

Shell will hold its annual shareholders’ meeting (AGM) on May 19, 2020. Due to the corona crisis, it will not take place in the Circus Theater this time, but at Shell headquarters in The Hague, with only two shareholders present: https://www.shell.com/investors/retail-shareholder-information/annual-general-meeting.html. Our prophecy at the 2019 shareholders’ meeting that it would be the last Shell AGM has almost come true! And Shell is actually falling….. … Continued

Online Protest Shell Must Fall


For those who are unable to be in The Hague on the 19th, including those on the frontlines, to accompany the protest that will take place at Shell's doorstep, we will be holding an online protest, on Manif.app Like a real-life demo, we’ll have a meeting point (Shell's HQ), then we will be making a … Continued


10 May, 2021
Event Category:


Code Rood
Shell Must Fall!